By Jason Croxford

If you’re looking for something quick, delicious, and healthy, this smoothie recipe is for you. It’s going to help control cravings, fill you up, and most importantly, keep you focused.

Who Wants Chocolate For Breakfast?!

Do we have your attention?


Usually, We wouldn’t recommend chocolate for breakfast. However, when it tastes good – and it’s actually healthy – we tend to make an exception.

Let’s face it: breakfast is hard. There’s never enough time. The choices are nearly limitless (and hardly ever healthy), but what you eat in the morning (or afternoon if you incorporate intermittent fasting into your diet) has a HUGE effect on the rest of your day, your energy level, mood, and ESPECIALLY your hunger levels. Ladies, you tend to be even more sensitive to blood sugar and insulin dips and spikes.

So if you’re looking for something quick, delicious, and healthy, this smoothie recipe is for you. It’s going to help control cravings, fill you up, and most importantly, keep you focused.

Biohacker’s Chocolate Smoothie


  • 1 Handful of Organic Spinach
    Tip: Spinach is high on the dirty dozen list, always look for organic spinach. If you can’t find it fresh, check the freezer section. You can usually find it pretty cheap
  •  ½ Avocado
    Tip: You can also find these frozen, which is what I do since mine ALWAYS go bad before I eat them
  • 1-2 tbsp Cacao Powder
    Tip: If you can’t find cacao powder, you can substitute by adding raw organic dark chocolate. Mini chocolate chips are not allowed, sorry.
  • 1 scoop of PhysIQ Protein Powder
  • 1 cup of Nut Milk or Water
    Tip: This shake tastes amazing with unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 3-4 Ice Cubes, as desired. *Note- if using frozen avocado and spinach, you may not need as much ice


  • Put all the ingredients in a blender, blend for the consistency you desire, and enjoy!

Smoothie Hacks:

Blend in advance.

Most people don’t realize, but you can make your smoothies ahead of time. I have several clients who like to make their shakes the night before, freeze them, then thaw them in the morning.

Another option is to whip up your shake and simply put it into a Blender Bottle or some type of bottle/cup that contains a whisk ball. Sometimes I’ll just drop my whisk ball right into my blender cup, spin on the lid, and out the door, we go.

Smoothies for the week. 

This next hack is a real time saver. Make yourself a week’s worth of freezer bags filled with your pre-portioned smoothie ingredients. Measure out your spinach, avocado and Cacao powder, put it all in a freezer bag or container, and place it in the freezer. Just dump it all out, add protein, nut milk, and blend.

Editor’s Note: This post is used with permission from the author, Allyssa Lascala, and was originally published by Alyssa Lascala on To view the original blog post, please click here.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.